Contact Info
Sheriff: Robert E. Fyock
Chief Deputy: Ryan S. Hill
Sheriff's Office
Indiana County Courthouse
Third floor
825 Philadelphia St.
Indiana, PA 15701-3973
Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Firearm License Unit
Mon-Fri, 9 am to 2 pm
Phone: (724) 465.3930
Fax: (724) 465.3937
Closed Holidays
Bench Warrants

The Sheriff's Office is responsible for administrating Bench Warrants issued by the Court of Common Pleas. Warrant service is one of the more dangerous functions of the Sheriff's Office. Safety is paramount and the safety of our deputies is a top priority in the service of bench warrants.
These include warrants issued for failure to appear in criminal cases, violation of probation or parole and PFA (Protection From Abuse) violations.
Deputies log thousands of miles in a small fleet of vehicles each year to apprehend and transport persons with outstanding bench warrants.
Your help is needed to apprehend persons with outstanding bench warrants. If you have any information on these individuals contact the Indiana County Sheriffs Office. Prior to taking action, validity must be confirmed by Indiana County Sheriff's Office. Please know that any and all information will be kept confidential.
We follow leads provided from county residents and local law enforcement agencies.
Please call in a tip to:(724) 465-3930