Contact Info
Treasurer: Kimberly McCullough
Treasurer's Office
Indiana County Courthouse
825 Philadelphia St.
Indiana, PA 15701-3973
Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Phone: (724) 465-3845
Fax: (724) 465-3848
Closed Holidays
Dog License
It is Pennsylvania State Law that all dogs age three months and older are registered. It is also required that if you own a dog for 30 days or longer, that that dog must be registered in your name. You must register by January 1st of each year. Dog licenses expired December 31st of each year, no matter when the date of purchase took place. A $300 fine will be charged for dog owners who do not register their dogs.
*Senior Citizen must be over the age of 65
*Person with a disability must complete an affidavit before applying for a disability license
Payment must be made at the time of purchase.
The Indiana County Treasurer’s Office accepts cash, check or card. Checks must be written to Kimberly McCullough, Indiana County Treasurer. If you use a card, a $2 convince fee per dog license will be assessed.

Mailed applications are also accepted. Please send dog license applications to:
Kimberly McCullough, Treasurer’s Office
825 Philadelphia Street
Indiana, Pa 15701
If you have a mixed breed dog, please list what the dog looks like most. The state will not allow “mixed” in the breed section for a license.
For Lifetime Dog Licenses, dogs must be either tattooed or micro-chipped.
Indiana County Dog Licenses can be purchased at the Indiana County Treasurer’s Office or at any of the following agent locations.
- Tails on the Town, Blairsville*
- RC Indoor Archery Range, Clymer*
- Dughill Ammo & Arms, Rossiter*
- Arone Lumber & Hardware, Homer City*
- Byler’s Harness & Shoe Shop, Smicksburg*
- Kough’s Feed, Uniontown*
* A 50 cent fee charged at agent locations
Lifetime Dog License Instructions
In order to get a lifetime dog license, your dog must be micro-chipped or tattooed. Your dog does not need to be spayed or neutered in order to have a lifetime license.
Your vet, four footed friends or a human society must fill out the Permanent Identification Verification Certification form, including live signature and date. Both the Permanent Identification Verification and Lifetime Dog Application must be returned to the Treasurer's office within 30 days of the date located on the Verification form. Both of these forms should be provided to you by the agency that is micro-chipped your dog.
If you choose to have your dog tattooed you must come to the courthouse first, just prior to the dog's tattooing appointment, and we will provide the number to be tattooed. After tattooing, the tag will be provided upon the completion and return of the verification form by the vet.