Right to Know Policy
Contact: Robin Maryai
Open Records Officer
825 Philadelphia Street
Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724-465-3805
Email: rmaryai@indianacountypa.gov
Resource Links
The Commissioners Welcome You
Chairman: R. Michael Keith
Commissioner: Bonni S. Dunlap
Commissioner: Sherene Hess
Chief Clerk: Robin Maryai
Solicitor: Matthew Budash
The three County Commissioners constitute the chief governing body of the County. Statutory authority of the Commissioners is primarily of an administrative nature with legislative or policy-making powers. The Commissioners are elected for four-year terms.
The County Commissioners, in their capacity as fiscal managers, undoubtedly occupy the most important position in county government.

Contact Info
Indiana County Courthouse
825 Philadelphia Street
Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: (724) 465-3805
Fax: (724) 465-3953
Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm