Planning & Development

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CEO Newsletter

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Indiana County CEO

Contact Info

Executive Director:  Byron G. Stauffer, Jr.

Office of Planning & Development 
801 Water Street
Indiana, PA 15701-1705

Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

Phone: (724)-465-3870
Fax: (724)-465-3150

Closed Holidays

Welcome to the ​Office of Planning & Development

More than a slogan, it’s a commitment to success.  We make this commitment to each and every business in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. From start-up to expansion, we help you access resources and information, get financing, locate properties, and build to suit.  We are the one-stop connection to the right resources from our affiliates below.

The Indiana County Board of Commissioners established the Indiana County Office of Planning & Development (ICOPD) in 1987 to meet the growing needs of our community. Since its establishment, the ICOPD’s role in County government has continuously evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of the County.

The Office of Planning & Development continues to take a proactive approach to address county-wide concerns and issues. Our cooperation with the 14 boroughs and 24 townships throughout the County contribute to the balance between existing land uses and growth considerations so that the quality of life in Indiana County can be improved for future generations.